First, since I am still so enthralled with my craft ideas of late I will show you my latest and greatest creations. My endeavor last weekend was yarn letters. Let me tell you these little gems are WAY harder than they look!! Heather and I went to Michaels and bought basic wood letters and used scrap yarn that my mom had laying around (her "scrap" yarn collection could create clothing for a small country I think, its crazy!). We started off just winging it, thinking "how hard could this be?" Well we quickly realized we needed our near and dear Pinterest to give us a much needed tutorial. Welllll this didnt help much.... we still cussed and scoffed our way through those letters. I made a smaller pair with the letters D and K and put a little picture frame in the middle with an & (oh so cutesy I know, gag gag) as well as the word JOY. They turned out pretty cute but man were they a lot of work. I thought I might have my first craft disaster with these guys. This week, I decided to try an absurdly cute crochet headband pattern I found on, what else, Pinterest! With VERY little knowledge on crocheting, literally only knowing how to do a chain, I took a few tutorials I found. I quickly learned what sc, dc, sl st, etc were (wahoo look at me go using the crochet code words) and started working away on it. Well this project was a BLAST! It took me about an hour and turned out so stinkin cute, and I cant wait to make another one! Crocheting is much easier than I thought. But don't worry knitting, I wont be abandoning you, just adding another weapon in to my arsenal! :)
Those were really the only crafts I could manage last weekend/this week since that stupid thing called work takes up so much of my time! However, I was able to have Nelson, Tricia, and Kayla over for dinner Wednesday night and made a delicious recipe I found on Pinterest for Enchilada Pasta. It was a hit when I made it last weekend for the fam, and I think it was a hit again. Definitely one to be put in the recipe book, now if I only had a printer (cue Danielle printing recipes and Michaels coupons on the work printer and sneakily grabbing them off before anyone notices that I am not printing "important work documents"). Tricia made and ABSOLUTELY amazing peanut butter and chocolate pie that I literally could have eaten every meal for the next few days, so thank you Kayla for taking that home with you, my waistline appreciates it! I am going to be getting the recipe from her and making it ASAP! Tonight I am going to work on making crochet flowers and baking some super cute cookies for the cabin!
Off to the Shambora cabin this weekend for some R&R with Mom, Dad, Christine, Peter, and Kellen. Should be a really good time, I am excited! I have got a few recipes planned and a few crafts to work on (Jamers send me Avery's foot measurements and your headband measurements so I can work on them!) so I will be updating you with results.
Blue nautical knot crochet headband |
Fave new headband! |
Red crocheted knot headband |
Yarn Letters |